Discover the Magic of Rose❤Banks If you are a flower enthusiast, then you must explore the enchanting world of Rose❤Banks. These exquisite roses will captivate your senses with their stunning beauty and delightful fragrance. Located in a picturesque garden, Rose❤Banks is home to a diverse collection of roses that will leave you breathless. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or simply appreciate the elegance of these flowers, this is a place you cannot miss. Rose❤Banks offers a unique experience where you can immerse yourself in the serene surroundings and get lost in the allure of nature. With its vast array of colors, sizes, and fragrances, this rose sanctuary will transport you to a world of tranquility. Why Visit Rose❤Banks? The Beauty of Diversity: At Rose❤Banks, you will find a wide variety of roses, ranging from classic reds and pinks to rare and exotic hues. Each rose has its own story, waiting to be discovered. An Aroma Like No Other: The intoxicating scent that fills the air at Rose❤Banks will leave you in awe. Let your senses guide you as you meander through the pathways and inhale the sweet fragrances. Expert Guidance: The knowledgeable staff at Rose❤Banks is passionate about roses and will gladly assist you in selecting the perfect blooms for your garden. Their expertise will ensure that you leave with the most suitable roses for your unique preferences and growing conditions. Things to Do at Rose❤Banks Take a leisurely stroll through the garden and admire the meticulously maintained display beds. Unwind in one of the picturesque seating areas and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. Join a guided tour to deepen your understanding of the different rose varieties and their fascinating history. Participate in a hands-on workshop to learn essential techniques for successful rose cultivation. Are you ready to fall in love with roses all over again? Plan your visit to Rose❤Banks today and let the beauty of these flowers ignite your passion for gardening.Discover the Magic of Rose Gardens in Full Bloom If you are a flower enthusiast, then you must explore the enchanting world of Rose Gardens. These exquisite roses will captivate your senses with their stunning beauty and delightful fragrance. Located in a picturesque garden, Rose Gardens is home to a diverse collection of blossoms that will leave you breathless. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or simply appreciate the splendor of these flowers, this is a place you cannot overlook. Rose❤Banks offers a unique experience where you can immerse yourself in the serene surroundings and get lost in the allure of nature. With its vast array of colors, sizes, and fragrances, this rose sanctuary will transport you to a world of serenity. Why Visit Rose❤Banks? The Beauty of Diversity: At Rose❤Banks, you will find a wide variety of roses, ranging from classic reds and pinks to hues you'd never expect. Each rose has its own story, waiting to be discovered. An Aroma Like No Other: The intoxicating scent that fills the air at Rose Gardens will leave you in complete fascination. Let your senses guide you as you wander through the pathways and breathe in the fragrant fragrances. Expert Guidance: The knowledgeable staff at Rose❤Banks is passionate about roses and will gladly assist you in selecting the perfect blooms for your garden. Their expertise will ensure that you leave with the most suitable roses for your unique preferences and growing requirements. Things to Do at Rose❤Banks Take a leisurely stroll through the garden and admire the meticulously maintained display beds. Unwind in one of the picturesque seating areas and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. Join a guided tour to deepen your understanding of the different rose varieties and their intriguing history. Participate in a hands-on workshop to learn essential techniques for successful rose cultivation. Are you ready to develop a deep appreciation with roses all over again? Plan your visit to Rose Gardens today and let the beauty of these flowers ignite your passion for gardening. 1 mai 2011 · Plus rustique que sa réputation ne le laisse croire, le rosier de Banks ( Rosa banksiae 'Lutea') est une vraie liane qui fleurit dès avril. Photo : Noémie Vialard Rosa banksiae ‘Lutea’, né en Chine et arrivé au 19 ème siècle en Europe, habite mon jardin depuis quatre ans. Je l’aime, mais je l’aime. Rosa banksiae, la rose de Lady Banks, ou rose de Banks, est un rosier au feuillage persistant de la famille des Rosacées. Originaire des montagnes de la Chine centrale et occidentale, il était cultivé en Chine depuis longtemps lorsqu’il fut introduit en Europe au début du 19e siècle. 25 déc. 2022 · Rosier de Banks Une espèce très ancienne. Autrement nommé "Rose de Lady Banks", en l'honneur de la femme du célèbre botaniste Joseph Conditions de culture. Rosa banksiae a besoin d'un hiver doux et d'un fort ensoleillement pour fleurir correctement, ce Multiplication. Le bouturage de tige. Semi-persistant, le Rosier banks rose donne des fleurs doubles au printemps et en été. C'est un rosier grimpant à palisser. Lire la suite Grimpantes Caduc FLORAISON : Rose Eté / Printemps Mi-ombre -12°C Description détaillée En culture Disponible Fevrier 2024 Cette variété sera disponible en Ecoplant 15/20cm au prix indicatif de 6,30 €.